Kawish NY TV - Live TV from New York, USA
Kawish New York TV is an entertainment live tv channel, which has expanded into entertainment, news, sports, NY events, and blog platform. Kawish NY TV represents the South Asian and Middle Eastern communities' programs including Pakistani, Indian, American, Bangali, Afgani, Arabic and others. Kawish NY TV helps communicate between various groups and sectors to resolve common communities' issues through open forums, discussions and communities productive programs. Kawish is the best source of entertainment for South Asian communities residing in New York. Kawish NY TV features the latest clips and trailers of movies and TV news, celebrity interviews, dramas, and event coverages. Kawish NY TV aims to accommodate the interest of its audience on what's timely, new, and relevant. If you have comments or feedback, please feel free to reach Kawish NY Live TV team at "kawishnytv@gmail.com."